Road Trip To LA in our Flex Fuel E92 M3
March 15, 2017

Last week we road tripped from Texas to Los Angeles for a week of meetings and to work on developing new PROFLEX Commander applications. As those of you who have traversed West Texas know, the speed limit is a nice 80MPH. We weren't speeding when we passed the cops, though, but as soon as we saw the lights flick on in our rear view mirror we knew what it was for. The guys were really interested in our product and wanted to learn more about our full bolt on flex fuel solution. Seriously, they actually did! So we traded them some business cards for a warning about our missing front plate.
We continued on and were soon in need of fuel. Stations with ethanol are few and far between on the 1400 mile journey, but since our system gives vehicles full flex fuel capability filling up with gas when E85 wasn't available was no problem.
Here's a video of one of the pulls, too. [embed][/embed]

After an overnight in Phoenix we made it to LA and headed Van Nuys to work with Alex and the guys at Gintani on our BMW E60 M5 and M6 application. Due to some dyno delays and leaky injectors that needed fixing we didn't get to finish all our testing, but we did get our system working without issue and got some great footage of the M6 shooting flames! [embed][/embed]
European Auto Source
We had the chance to spend an afternoon with Steve and the guys at European Auto Source in Anaheim and get the PROFLEX Commander setup on an E90 M3 so they could test it out and see for themselves the power gains from using our system and E85. They did a lot of pulls on their in-house dyno and made some nice additional power with 80% ethanol. Different car mods brag all the time about how much extra power they make, but most of the time that power is peak power seen at one point on the dyno run, not consistent power across the entire curve. With the PROFLEX Commander and E85 our customers see HP and TQ gains across the entire curve. See the below dyno graph to see what we're talking about.
Canyon Carving
It wasn't all work work work, though. With an E92 M3 and extra power from E85 we enjoyed driving some of the awesome roads around LA. Sorry about the bugs on the windshield. :) [embed][/embed] We had a blast working with some great people and helping get more cars setup with our PROFLEX Commander flex fuel system so they could start taking advantage of the extra power unlocked by running E85. If you want to unlock the power your car is waiting to unleash, contact us so we can get you set up!