February 19, 2024

We work with E85 and flex fuel conversions every day, and every day we hear a lot of the same questions. That’s why we have a comprehensive library of answers to your E85 FAQ questions on our site at this link: https://www.advancedfueldynamics.com/pages/faq
One of the key questions in our E85 FAQ section is: Will E85 hurt my fuel system? The simple answer is no. Any vehicle from any manufacturer built after around 1986 has an ethanol-compatible fuel system. Most gasoline in the US is 10% ethanol, so all the components in your fuel system have been upgraded for almost 40 years.
Another common E85 FAQ is: Will my fuel mileage go down? While fuel mileage generally drops by 2–3 mpg with E85, the cost of E85 per gallon is less than gasoline, and E85 is very high octane, so for engines that require 91/93 gas, E85 is much more affordable. Even if you lose a little fuel mileage, your fuel costs will generally be less, and you get more power and longer engine life in the bargain.
In our E85 FAQ section, we also address engine longevity. E85 burns cleaner and cooler than gasoline. Cooler oil, coolant, and combustion temps mean less damaging heat and friction. E85 also has nearly zero carbon mass, so there is no black soot to gum up your engine internals. Using E85 will typically extend engine life while you save money.
We have lots of E85 FAQs addressed on our website, but probably the most common one is what impact E85 has on the environment. E85 is a mix of ethanol and a small percentage of gasoline. It is made from the byproducts of corn harvesting and processing, so it is a renewable fuel that is made in the United States. A gallon of ethanol is one less gallon of oil that has to be pumped from the ground. And E85 burns cleaner than gasoline, meaning lower tailpipe emissions. E85 is as good for the environment as it is for performance.
Now let’s talk about the big E85 FAQ: performance. Every single vehicle we have tested, from a Lambo to a Prius (yes, we tested a Prius), made significantly more horsepower and torque on E85 than on gasoline with no additional tuning or upgrades. E85 burns faster and has a higher expansion rate and flame front than gasoline. It also releases oxygen when burned, kind of like nitrous, which enriches the fuel charge. Cooler combustion temperatures mean more fuel charge density. All of these things combined make it inherently better at making horsepower. And best of all, it has an octane equivalency to about 110 octane gas, so you can run higher compression and lots of boost with no worries about knock.

There are many more E85 FAQ answers on our website, and we are always happy to help if you don’t find the answer you need. Contact us by email or give us a call anytime so we can get your questions answered. We pride ourselves on being the leading experts, and we are happy to help.